Tuesday, March 19, 2013

#1 Career Planning

1. The following essential steps and their corresponding explanations towards a successful career planning are the following:
a. Self- in career planning you must need to consider and include yourself, your wants and needs to be able to meet your career that you want to take up.
b. Options- in choosing your career you must also have a lot of option or choices. It helps a lot in choosing the best care
2. Career planning a significant endeavor because it is a lifelong process which includes choosing your profession you want to take up, occupation, getting job, growing in out  job and many more. It also establishes your career objectives and determines the appropriate educational and developmental programs to enhance and enrich the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to achieve a short and long term career objectives.  
3. Interview with the Artist Teacher
Name: Liwayway B. Soriano
School:Munoz North Cenrtral School
Position:Teacher III
Length of Services:24
1.    She enters teaching profession because she has no other choices in the school she were enrolled.
2.    She prepared her teaching career by enrolling 36 units at core gateway college to pursue her teaching career in elementary.

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